Fresh from playing a key role in the Azuma Banquet, Yuuki takes on a new form as he's lent to Himari's mother, Fubuki--leading to a joint reward from the mother-daughter pair...!! But as the 7th Squad's slave enjoys the fruits of his labors, dark shadows stir back home. There's been a chain of disappearances on the streets of Yokohama, and the possible involvement of the Eight Thunder Gods has Kyouka teaming up with the 2nd Squad's commander to investigate!
Fresh from playing a key role in the Azuma Banquet, Yuuki takes on a new form as he's lent to Himari's mother, Fubuki--leading to a joint reward from the mother-daughter pair...!! But as the 7th Squad's slave enjoys the fruits of his labors, dark shadows stir back home. There's been a chain of disappearances on the streets of Yokohama, and the possible involvement of the Eight Thunder Gods has Kyouka teaming up with the 2nd Squad's commander to investigate!