Although most often thought of as a movement, this study will examine Zionism as an insurgency-a form of irregular, revolutionary warfare.
This case study presents a detailed account of revolutionary and insurgent activities in Palestine from 1890 through 2010.
This first volume examines the conflict with a focus on the Zionist movement and insurgency through the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and the Zionists' transition to governance through 1950. Our intent is to provide a foundation for special operations personnel to understand the circumstances, environment, and catalysts for revolution; the organization of resistance or insurgent organizations and their development, modes of operation, external support, and successes and failures; the counterinsurgents' organization, modes of operation, and external support, as well as their effects on the resistance; and the outcomes and long-term ramifications of the revolutionary/insurgent activities.
This foundation will allow readers to distill vast amounts of material from a wide array of campaigns and extract relevant lessons, thereby enabling the development of future doctrine, professional education, and training.