Eric Wade knew he'd finally found the perfect cabin location in the vast wilderness of interior Alaska. He climbed up the river bank to walk on the firm forest floor. He wove through the trees, brushed aside rose bushes and kicked the ground surface like checking a tire. The land spread before him with majestic white spruce and views of a sparkling clearwater river. This is where he would build a log cabin and move his family. He stood among the roses and highbush cranberries a step closer to realizing his dream of wilderness living. His family would grow to love the landscape as much as he did . . . but over time, his dream changed, as did the land itself.

Eric Wade knew he'd finally found the perfect cabin location in the vast wilderness of interior Alaska. He climbed up the river bank to walk on the firm forest floor. He wove through the trees, brushed aside rose bushes and kicked the ground surface like checking a tire. The land spread before him with majestic white spruce and views of a sparkling clearwater river. This is where he would build a log cabin and move his family. He stood among the roses and highbush cranberries a step closer to realizing his dream of wilderness living. His family would grow to love the landscape as much as he did . . . but over time, his dream changed, as did the land itself.