Brave Vision - You have to See it To Build It

Brave Vision - You have to See it To Build It

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Brave Vision -
The second in the Be Brave Series builds the foundation on why Vision has nothing to do you what you see out of
your eyes but what you
perceive to see through your heart and mind. Khalilah, once again drives you to a
place that breaks the stereotype of what many
may say to tell you what you need to hear.

Brave Vision is the act or power of sensing with the eyes but
includes a wider range of visual abilities and other sensory skills.
It is an instrument of divine communication. It can propose a
revelation for direction or condition us by our moral ideals. You
can have vision without being a visionary. Brave Vision speaks to
the Snellen 20/20 ideology and begs to differ that Vision is not an Eye experience but an "I" experience, that both your heart and mind have to be set before you can see from any angle, any
distance, from any perspective for anything. After this my prayer is that you can look in the mirror at yourself and say I See Me because I Saw Him first.

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