Boss Lady Address and Phone Book: for "a woman who can accomplish all tasks, while remaining beautiful, and she doesn't take shit from anyone!" Organi

Boss Lady Address and Phone Book: for "a woman who can accomplish all tasks, while remaining beautiful, and she doesn't take shit from anyone!" Organi

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Keep track of family, friends, and business associates address and contact details with this Pink Boss Lady Address and Phone Book.

In addition store your important passwords in one convenient, DISCREET, place. You no longer have to keep your passwords on pieces of paper tucked into your wallet/purse.

The Birthday/Anniversary section is organized by month. Allows you, 'at a glance, ' to organize your commitments and notifications.

  • Great for home, school, and/or the office. Perfect for keeping address, email, work and home numbers, as well as password information and Birthdays and Anniversaries. Keep it all in one location. A-Z Index Address/Phone Book section Discreet internet website/username/password record log section (space for 190+) January-December Birthday/Anniversary section. 6 x 9 inches 118 quality white pagesBeautuful Pink and Black 'Boss Lady' Design Glossy finish cover.

Great Gift Idea! If this Address and Phone Book would be helpful to you or someone you know, scroll up to the top and push the 'Buy' Button.

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