In this thrilling novel, John Madison, a powerful and cunning dictator, controls the remnants of society with an iron fist. Meanwhile, Thor's sons, Magni and Modi, find themselves transported to this new world where they discover that the evil Loki is on a quest for conquest. With their world-shattering powers and unwavering courage, Magni and Modi embark on an epic adventure to stop Loki's reign of terror and reclaim the planet.
Beyond Ragnarok is an action-packed journey filled with daring battles, intense emotions, and breathtaking landscapes. With its blend of Norse mythology and dystopian elements, this novel will leave you on the edge of your seat and have you rooting for the heroes until the very end. Join Magni and Modi as they fight to save the world from the forces of darkness and reclaim their rightful place as the guardians of the universe.