The UFO crash at Roswell, N.M., in 1947 is examined by ufology's foremost authorities. Articles have been choosen from the last 59 years of FATE Magazine, covering all aspects of ufology's most famous incident. Here are the findings and opinions of Stanton Friedman, John Keel, Jerome Clark, Jim Keith, Frank Edwards, Kevin Randle, Antonio Huneeus, and others.
The UFO crash at Roswell, N.M., in 1947 is examined by ufology's foremost authorities. Articles have been choosen from the last 59 years of FATE Magazine, covering all aspects of ufology's most famous incident. Here are the findings and opinions of Stanton Friedman, John Keel, Jerome Clark, Jim Keith, Frank Edwards, Kevin Randle, Antonio Huneeus, and others.