Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year

Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year

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The political cartoon, like fine art, is the creation of an individual that gives it a singular effectiveness. - - Jerry Robinson Combine the wit and insight of 130 leading editorial cartoonists with the headline-making events of a year filled with controversial issues, and the result is this provocative volume of wry satire and social commentary. This collection of editorial cartoons is a pictorial history of the year's major developments. Included are principal issues such as the Carter Administration, the demise of the environment, the taxpayer's revolt, the test-tube baby, and the election of the first non-Italian pope. These are the best of the best: cartoons that all received acclaim and recognition, and even some that won prestigious awards. This collection represents an artistic time capsule of wit and humor that is sure to keep you laughing. Editor Charles Brooks is past president of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists and for thirty-eight years was a cartoonist for the Birmingham News. He has been the recipient of thirteen Freedom Foundation Awards, a national VFW Award, two Vigilante Patriot Awards, and a Sigma Delta Chi Award for editorial cartooning. Jerry Robinson, whose cartoons have been syndicated nationwide, was president of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists and is credited with creating The Joker, the first super-villain of comics.

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