Beating Macular Degeneration With Nutrition: Empower Yourself With Nutritional and Lifestyle Principles for Healing

Beating Macular Degeneration With Nutrition: Empower Yourself With Nutritional and Lifestyle Principles for Healing

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The diagnosis of macular degeneration does not have to mean a sentence of progressive loss of sight. Beating Macular Degeneration With Nutrition is the story (well-documented from medical sources) of how superior nutrition, avoidance of damaging influences and lifestyle improvements can save your sight.

This book gives eight principles for beating macular degeneration

  • Superior eye nutrition
  • Protect your eyes from high blood glucose
  • Protect your blood vessels, especially those in the eye
  • Protect your eyes from damaging light
  • Avoid eye-damaging drugs
  • Avoid and eliminate toxins
  • Exercise and how it helps the eyes
  • Pursue peace: promote activity of the parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system and decrease activity the sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system.

Practical information for implementing these principles includes advice on putting superior eye nutrition into practice and 95 recipes. All recipes are diabetic- and food allergy-friendly and 87 are gluten-free. No sugar is used in this book; recipes are sweetened with the new neutral-tasting stevia extract, pure monk fruit extract or agave. Also included is information about eye-protecting sunglasses, real blood sugar control, helpful lifestyle practices, conventional treatment for AMD, and finding expert nutritional help for implementing and personalizing the treatment of your eyes and health.

When the author's husband was diagnosed with intermediate stage dry macular degeneration, she remembered hearing, eighteen years previously, a doctor tell her mother that nutrients could "stop macular degeneration in its tracks." If she had not heard that one sentence and if they had not sought expert nutritional advice and implemented the principles in this book, he could have experienced the same extremely rapid progression of the disease that his father did. However, instead he experiences greatly improved color vision, ease in working at a computer all day, normal blood pressure, and more.

The decision about treatment of macular degeneration is yours. With the knowledge in this book, you can empower yourself to preserve or improve your sight and take charge of your future. Thoughtfully consider trying this approach, alone or in conjunction with conventional treatment for macular degeneration. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

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