- BOOK INTRODUCTIONS -- thoughts on the importance of each book and how it relates to the battlefield of the mind
- WINNING THE BATTLES OF THE MIND -- core teaching to help you apply specific biblical truths to winning the battle
- PRAYERS FOR VICTORY -- Scripture-based prayer to help you claim God's guarantee of winning
- PRAYERS TO RENEW YOUR MIND -- help for you to learn to think the way God thinks
- KEYS TO A VICTORIOUS LIFE -- practical truths for overcoming mental or emotional challenges
- POWER POINTS -- insight into how to think, speak, and live victoriously SPEAK GOD'S WORD-first-person Scripture confessions to train your mind for ultimate victory
- SCRIPTURES ON THOUGHTS AND WORDS -- more than 200 Bible passages that teach you how to think and speak in agreement with God's Word.

Battlefield of the Mind Bible: Renew Your Mind Through the Power of God's Word
by Joyce Meyer
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- BOOK INTRODUCTIONS -- thoughts on the importance of each book and how it relates to the battlefield of the mind
- WINNING THE BATTLES OF THE MIND -- core teaching to help you apply specific biblical truths to winning the battle
- PRAYERS FOR VICTORY -- Scripture-based prayer to help you claim God's guarantee of winning
- PRAYERS TO RENEW YOUR MIND -- help for you to learn to think the way God thinks
- KEYS TO A VICTORIOUS LIFE -- practical truths for overcoming mental or emotional challenges
- POWER POINTS -- insight into how to think, speak, and live victoriously SPEAK GOD'S WORD-first-person Scripture confessions to train your mind for ultimate victory
- SCRIPTURES ON THOUGHTS AND WORDS -- more than 200 Bible passages that teach you how to think and speak in agreement with God's Word.