A부터Z까지다루고있으며, B는숨쉬기를위한것입니다.어린나이의아이들에게그들의감정을표현하고대처능력을개발할수있는다양한방법들을알려주고있습니다.이책은아이들이자신의감정을표현하고,좌절과화나는감정에대처하고,침착한전략을세울수있는다양한방법의예시들을제시하고있습니다.심호흡,근육이완,예술,그리고감정에관한글과같은아이가감정에대처하는특별한방법을찾을수있도록서로다른침착한전략과기법을시도하는것은즐겁습니다.재미있고,귀엽고,흥미진진한그림들과,다채로운책은영어와스페인어로제공되며,다양한인종의캐릭터들과함께하고있습니다.
From the letter A to the letter Z, B is for Breathe celebrates the many ways children can express their feelings and develop coping skills at an early age. The book provides examples of different ways children can express their feelings, cope with fussy and frustrating emotions and practice calm down strategies. Whether it is deep breathing, muscle relaxation, art, or writing about emotions, it is fun to try out different calm down strategies and techniques to help a child find their own special way of coping with emotions. Fun, cute, and exciting illustrations, this colorful book is also available in both English and Spanish and features characters of diverse ethnicities.