Awaiting the Sonship

Awaiting the Sonship

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The next vital step in God's victorious salvation plan is on the near horizon as the glorious occurrence that will soon alter human history. So magnificent will be its unfolding that the entire creation is awaiting its revelation.

To all sons of God who hear together the summons of the trumpet blast, the heavenly Father has included you to join your Savior and Master in the manifestation of the sons of God.

What is the earnest expectation of those who will partake of the miraculous event also known as the Sonship?If you have studied the letters of the apostle Paul, the spokesperson of Christ to the nations, you should be looking heavenward for the second advent of Jesus Christ, the savior of all.

If you yearn to know more about His return from heaven,

author Joel Butler offers his latest publication, Awaiting the Sonship.

A singular glorious occurrence will soon alter the history of humanity as the next vital step in God's victorious salvation plan. The earnest expectation of the creation anticipates this miraculous event of universal magnitude.

Jesus Christ as the head of the church is presently in heaven at the right hand of God. He awaits His call to return again to earth. As the victorious King, He will appear in the clouds to join Himself to the vast throng of believers who are awaiting the Sonship, the redemption of their bodies. The glorious liberty of the children of God will be unveiled in the blink of an eye.

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