- The Value of Your Faith
- Remembering the Big Picture
- Your Relationship with Your Inner Being
- The Universe Continues to Expand Through You
- Even Without Words, You Are Creating
- You Are a Vibrational Being
- Your Emotions Are Absolute Indicators
- Your Expansion Is Constant
- It Is All About Aligning Your Thoughts
- Vibrational Alignment Feels Like Relief
- Your Inner Being Has Already Become It
- Emotions Indicate the Degree of Your Alignment
- Living the Law of Allowing
"These Teachings of Abraham are simply about you continuing to create the joyous, fulfilling life that you have intended to create, while allowing all others to create as they intend.
And while there is nothing that we can desire that our abundant, unlimited Universe doesn't have the capacity to give, we cannot receive that which we do not allow.
This book is meant to stand on its own as another comprehensive volume of the Teachings of Abraham There is nothing that pleases Esther or me more than providing a forum where people from diverse environments can gather, lending their unique perspectives, asking Abraham their important questions.
To actually feel the evolution and expansion of this message must surely be what Esther and I have been born to do. And the reason we know that is because it feels so very, very good to do it."
-- From my heart, Jerry Hicks "Your work isn't to convince someone to give you something you want; your work is to just find relief from wherever you are. When you get good at finding relief, you'll begin to flow with your Stream, and these things that have been downstream waiting for you to queue up with them will begin to connect with you with such extraordinary persistence that people who are watching you will wonder what in the world has happened with you. There is great love here for you. And, for now, as always, we remain eternally and happily incomplete."
- Abraham