This book is for voters, the ones who see the need to look more closely at the character of political candidates before we vote for them. It presents a terminology for discussing character, distilled from the writings of a dozen world citizens over the last three thousand years. It uses that language to describe what it takes to lead a nation, as top administrator, legislator, or judge. It then presents concepts, strategies, questions with which the voters and media hosts can engage political candidates about their character, a new approach, now all but forbidden, yet necessary to reveal unseen aspects of character beneath physical appearance, charisma, hype, funding prowess and public relations levels of knowing. It describes how taking candidates' character more seriously and openly can transform our government into a more collaborative, effective and efficient entity for leading our nation in an increasingly complex and dangerous national and international world.

Assessing the CHARACTER of Candidates for National Political Office: In Search of a Collaborative Spirit
This book is for voters, the ones who see the need to look more closely at the character of political candidates before we vote for them. It presents a terminology for discussing character, distilled from the writings of a dozen world citizens over the last three thousand years. It uses that language to describe what it takes to lead a nation, as top administrator, legislator, or judge. It then presents concepts, strategies, questions with which the voters and media hosts can engage political candidates about their character, a new approach, now all but forbidden, yet necessary to reveal unseen aspects of character beneath physical appearance, charisma, hype, funding prowess and public relations levels of knowing. It describes how taking candidates' character more seriously and openly can transform our government into a more collaborative, effective and efficient entity for leading our nation in an increasingly complex and dangerous national and international world.