"Arabian Nights," also known as "One Thousand and One Nights," is a timeless collection of Middle Eastern folktales that have captivated readers for centuries. This paperback edition brings to life the enchanting world of Scheherazade, who famously spun stories each night to delay her fate at the hands of the king. Within its pages, readers will discover tales of adventure, romance, fantasy, and enchantment, featuring classic characters like Aladdin, Sinbad the Sailor, and Ali Baba.
This edition offers a profound insight into the rich tradition of storytelling and culture of the Arabic world. Each tale in the collection is deftly crafted, drawing readers into a magical world where genies, magical carpets, and hidden treasures are hidden beneath every other word.
Ideal for both connoisseurs of classic literature and newcomers to these mesmerizing tales, this paperback edition captures the essence of these stories with clarity and grace, making it an essential addition to any book collection.