America What Is the Matter with Us?: A History of Presidential Lies - The Failures of our War Against Terror and our Policy of Democracy Promotion

America What Is the Matter with Us?: A History of Presidential Lies - The Failures of our War Against Terror and our Policy of Democracy Promotion

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In this book Stanley Rosenblatt asks the question - "AMERICA: WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH US?" There are those who will be offended by that question. True patriotism requires an admission of mistakes and failed policies coupled with a determination to do better.

Some of the topics covered:

September 11, 2001 - probably the worst day in American history - 25 years later and the mass murderers have never been brought to trial. Yes - What is the matter with us?

Afghanistan - the longest war in American history and we lost to a terrorist organization - the Taliban. An organization that did not possess a single aircraft or battleship.

President Biden removed all our troops from Afghanistan and told us that the Afghan Army was superior to the Taliban. - As the Taliban marched toward total victory the Afghan Army refused to fight them. This was an army on which America spent multiple billions training and equipping. Our "ALLY" Pakistan protected the Taliban and hid Bin Laden and yet we continued to send them billions.

Bush II got us involved in a 20-year war in Iraq because Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction - He did not. Another presidential lie. Our arch enemy, Iran, is the dominant power in Iraq.

As 19 4th graders were being murdered in Uvalde, Texas, several hundred cops were debating nonsense for 77 minutes before confronting the killer. Yes - What is the matter with us?

Other topics include: The January 6 attack on the capital, Donald Trump in depth, wealth inequality, Africa, George Floyd, the Me-Too Movement, the college admissions scandal, the drug-overdose epidemic, Ukraine and how America could have avoided that war by not advocating for Ukraine to join NATO. How America cruelly uprooted American Indian children, our insane system of taxation and much more. After reading this book an objective reader will be asking the same question which is the title!

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