Am I Blue or Am I Green? / Azul o verde. Cul soy yo? - An award winning book.

Am I Blue or Am I Green? / Azul o verde. Cul soy yo? - An award winning book.

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Am I Blue or Am I Green- Azul o verde, cual soy yo? is a children's bilingual (Spanish and English) book that explores, through the eyes of a child, the differences between the Red, White and Blue of the American flag and the Green, White and Red of the Mexican flag. Topics covered include: Identity, Citizen Child, Chicano-Latino-Mexican-American Identity, Immigrant Identity, Bilingual (Spanish-English), Undocumented/Unauthorized Status, Mixed Status Family, Citizenship, Mexican Cultural Traditions, BIPOC, Resilience and Freedom.

This bilingual (English/Spanish) children's book explores the feelings of a child who is an American Citizen and whose parents are Undocumented Immigrants. The child examines his life where he enjoys the American experience and lives in a home where his parents speak Spanish and practice the traditions of Mexico. Although he enjoys baseball and soccer, reggae and Rock en Espaol, he feels the fear of his parent's uncertain status. He explores the difference between being American and being an immigrant, and he acknowledges the "limbo" status that so many immigrants experience of not fully belonging to either country. Ultimately, he reaches an elegant solution, a coming to terms with his life and the richness he draws from two distinct cultural heritages. He is a symbol of resiliency and pride. This book focuses upon the Mexican- American/Chicano/a immigrant experience, but it is one that all immigrant communities can relate to while also providing an inside view from the child's point of view. It is fun and light-hearted while also emotional and moving at times. This is a great read for children in mixed status homes, for immigrant parents, for teachers and community members who interface with immigrant populations. It is an Insightful view of the challenging world of the child of immigrant parents in the United States and the beauty of resilience.

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