Many agronomic reference books either focus on a single crop, several related crops, or specific soil topics but not on a full range of both crop and soil subjects. This unique handbook covers both major agronomic fields. Containing essential data and information on the culture of the world's major agronomic grain, oil, fiber, and sugar crops grown on a wide range of soil types, Agronomic Handbook: Management of Crops, Soils, and Their Fertility serves as a practical reference on the management of crops and soils from planting to harvest.
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Agronomic Handbook: Management of Crops, Soils and Their Fertility
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Many agronomic reference books either focus on a single crop, several related crops, or specific soil topics but not on a full range of both crop and soil subjects. This unique handbook covers both major agronomic fields. Containing essential data and information on the culture of the world's major agronomic grain, oil, fiber, and sugar crops grown on a wide range of soil types, Agronomic Handbook: Management of Crops, Soils, and Their Fertility serves as a practical reference on the management of crops and soils from planting to harvest.
This handbook provides you with:Hardcover