Whether it's your hearing, memory, or hope, there are some things about aging and growing old that we can't control. We can, however, choose how we approach aging: June Hunt wants to share with you the practical steps and biblical principles to aging in a godly, mature, and graceful manner.
Aging Well shows how you can be a vibrant senior, one with grace and joy, no matter what your physical circumstances. This quick guide to aging well covers the issues that seniors face, defines the roadblocks and their causes, and shows steps to solution with biblical hope and practical advice. Discover:
- Definitions of aging, causes of discontentment, and solutions
- 5 steps to creating own personalized plan for aging well
- 9 ways the Bible calls us to walk in wisdom in old age
- What God and the Bible say about the purpose of aging and the astounding hope he offers
- And much more!
Biblical counselor June Hunt wants to help you know what to expect in the later years--not all of us will experience these symptoms, but for those that we do have, we can take heart in God's promises for us and find peace and acceptance.
- Physical symptoms of aging:
- Positive: fulfillment, contentedness, hope, etc.
- Negative: loneliness, fear, uselessness, etc.