The Ageless Wisdom Teaching: An introduction to humanity's spiritual legacy

The Ageless Wisdom Teaching: An introduction to humanity's spiritual legacy

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"It has always been the policy of the Spiritual Hierarchy to keep humanity informed of, and in touch with, all aspects of esoteric knowledge that can safely be made open and exoteric.

For long centuries this has been possible to but a limited degree. Over the past century, however, more information has been given, and more knowledge released, than at any time in the history of the race. That this is so reflects the growing comprehension by man of the subtle inner laws governing the outer appearances of things and events and, at the same time, his sensed need to play a fully conscious part in his own evolution and development.

Standing as we do at the threshold of the new era, we may look with confidence to an unprecedented release of hitherto guarded teaching which, when absorbed and understood, will throw greater light on the mysteries of the universe and the nature of man's Being...." (The Master -, through Benjamin Creme)

This book (2nd Edition) presents an introduction to that great body of wisdom which substands the spiritual teachings of all groups throughout the ages. Only by discovering the common wellspring from which all their faiths have emerged will men and women truly come to understand their spiritual brotherhood, as children of the One Father - by whatever name they call Him. An overview of humanity's spiritual legacy, this booklet serves as a concise and easy-to-understand introduction to the Ageless Wisdom Teaching. It explains the basic tenets of esotericism, including: source of the Teaching; the emergence of the World Teacher; rebirth and reincarnation; the Law of Cause and Effect; the Plan of evolution; origin of man; meditation and service; future changes. Also included is an esoteric glossary and a recommended reading list.

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