A chilling haunted house mystery inspired by a true crime...
For six long years, Max has avoided Draven, her hometown that holds the remnants of a ghastly accident. But when her brother dies, she is drawn back into the clutches of her haunted past.
In the wake of her family's shattered happiness, Max is caught in a nightmarish whirlwind of horrors that defy the laws of our world. The epicenter of these malevolent forces resides within the crumbling walls of an abandoned farmhouse, burdened by a sinister history.
The house harbors secrets, both old and new. Secrets that might just reveal the fate of a young woman who has gone missing. A woman with ties to Max's own former life in Draven.
As Max digs deeper a series of unexplained deaths strecthing back a century, she comes face to face with an evil intent on destroying her.