In this adventurous story, we follow the journey of a solider and cop who risks his life going to Colombia alone, with no back up, to successfully infiltrate the Cali Cartel. This brave man meets with the cartel's bosses and develops the case that put the cartel bosses in jail. The story of this hero reveals how political correctness and cultural Marxism have destroyed law enforcement and the military in America. This is a wake-up call for all Americans and the truth no one wants to tell you.
About the Author
Mitchell Henderson was an enlisted Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Warfare expert who served in field artillery and infantry. He went to Officer Candidate School to be commissioned an officer in the Armored Cavalry. Henderson was a police officer in Tampa, Florida for five years. He served a year in Patrol Division, a year as a mugging decoy, a year working Vice-Prostitution, a year in Homicide, and a year in Organized Crime investigating Human Trafficking. Henderson has a Bachelor's degree in Geography, History, Political Science, Economics, and International Relations. He also has a Master's in Geography.