Nine Girls, No Boys is a collection of true stories of a family in rural Virginia--Daddy, Mama and nine children. All girls. For young, Black parents rearing a family during the 40s, 50s, and 60s, times were tough with years of struggle. The stories are funny, sad, and triumphant.
Being sharecroppers, the family deals with sub-standard farmhouses and difficult landowners, and moves from farm to farm. Daddy and Mama yearn for their own farm.
When Daddy gets his first tractor, he learns that saying "whoa" doesn't stop the tractor. He has to use the brakes.
Choosing names for the girls is an ordeal. With assistance from relatives and ladies in the community, some names cause ridicule and anguish. Segregated school with long distances to walk impact the girls' education. Teen years and dating are difficult.
The family has emergencies. The car door swings open as Daddy makes a left turn. One child tumbles out without being noticed. Controlled burning sets fire to the barn and forest. One child swallows an open safety pin and another is burned badly while standing in front of a pot-bellied stove.
Success is achieved through perseverance, determination and hard work...
Nine Girls, No Boys: Stories Of Life In Rural Virginia
Nine Girls, No Boys is a collection of true stories of a family in rural Virginia--Daddy, Mama and nine children. All girls. For young, Black parents rearing a family during the 40s, 50s, and 60s, times were tough with years of struggle. The stories are funny, sad, and triumphant.
Being sharecroppers, the family deals with sub-standard farmhouses and difficult landowners, and moves from farm to farm. Daddy and Mama yearn for their own farm.
When Daddy gets his first tractor, he learns that saying "whoa" doesn't stop the tractor. He has to use the brakes.
Choosing names for the girls is an ordeal. With assistance from relatives and ladies in the community, some names cause ridicule and anguish. Segregated school with long distances to walk impact the girls' education. Teen years and dating are difficult.
The family has emergencies. The car door swings open as Daddy makes a left turn. One child tumbles out without being noticed. Controlled burning sets fire to the barn and forest. One child swallows an open safety pin and another is burned badly while standing in front of a pot-bellied stove.
Success is achieved through perseverance, determination and hard work...