The Seventy Weeks: And the Great Tribulation

The Seventy Weeks: And the Great Tribulation

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The book of Daniel has to do in a very special way with Christ; and to this feature we would call particular attention. Christ Himself is distinctly seen in it, once in earth in the midst of the burning fiery furnace, delivering the men who trusted in their God (3:25); and once in heaven, receiving an everlasting Kingdom (7:13, 14). And beyond all else in interest and importance is the fact that to Daniel was given the exact measure of time from an event clearly marked in his own day - an event for which he had fervently prayed - to the coming of Christ, and to His being "cut off." Moreover, in this connection God revealed to Daniel the marvelous things which were to be accomplished through the crucifixion of Christ, as well as the overwhelming judgments - the "desolations" - far surpassing anything of like nature theretofore - which were to fall upon the City, the Sanctuary and the People, in consequence of their rejection and crucifixion of Christ.

Ravenbrook Publishers

Minor edits February 2016

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