The summer of 2014 my life was falling apart. And just like in fairytales, this princess was looking for a handsome Romeo, my version of Superman to come to my rescue. Every person wants to fall in love with someone who will treat them well, who will love them unconditionally. In my despair, he appeared, and he was all that I wanted. I fell hard for the fairytale ending. Well, my fairytale quickly went from roses to an utter disaster. Down the rabbit hole I went spinning totally out of control. Before my eyes, I watched my lover dwarf into a beast, a total narcissist lying in wait. In the end, through God's grace and healing, I learned that true love starts within one's self.

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The summer of 2014 my life was falling apart. And just like in fairytales, this princess was looking for a handsome Romeo, my version of Superman to come to my rescue. Every person wants to fall in love with someone who will treat them well, who will love them unconditionally. In my despair, he appeared, and he was all that I wanted. I fell hard for the fairytale ending. Well, my fairytale quickly went from roses to an utter disaster. Down the rabbit hole I went spinning totally out of control. Before my eyes, I watched my lover dwarf into a beast, a total narcissist lying in wait. In the end, through God's grace and healing, I learned that true love starts within one's self.