Everyone has been touched by a unique pup at some point in their lives. Ever since Charlie joined their family...it was obvious he needed a friend. One day in the middle of summer the whole family agreed it was time to find him a pal. They called the person they adopted Charlie from and discovered that Charlie's brother, Harry, was in desperate need of a loving home. Based on a true story of actual events, discover how Harry found an unexpected home with loving kids and days filled with hugs, snuggles and brotherly love. "Sooo sweet and well done! I really enjoyed reading it, especially knowing your family and the impact Harry and Charlie have had on you and vice versa. The illustrations are so cute and really convey the joy of the story." Deb B. Retired lifelong teacher and Principal
Everyone has been touched by a unique pup at some point in their lives. Ever since Charlie joined their family...it was obvious he needed a friend. One day in the middle of summer the whole family agreed it was time to find him a pal. They called the person they adopted Charlie from and discovered that Charlie's brother, Harry, was in desperate need of a loving home. Based on a true story of actual events, discover how Harry found an unexpected home with loving kids and days filled with hugs, snuggles and brotherly love. "Sooo sweet and well done! I really enjoyed reading it, especially knowing your family and the impact Harry and Charlie have had on you and vice versa. The illustrations are so cute and really convey the joy of the story." Deb B. Retired lifelong teacher and Principal