180 Degrees Of Conscious Notions Around The Sun & Earth: Masculine Frequencies is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC in ADULT CONTENT and a Poetic Self-Help Journey of Elevating your Frequency to a Higher Level.
It's filled with feel good Inspirational Poetry for the Light Chakra and to nurture the soul. Patriotism Ode's are governed for the Solar Chakra and to strengthen your core. Spiritual Psalms will build the infrastructure of your being from your Crown Chakra that'll trickle down to settle your essence. Distress Ballads is geared to motivate that spark for the Root Chakra to gather your issues so they can be sorted out; and Either Sonnets contains Domineering and Extremely Graphic Content for a Dominants Orgasmic Eruption for the Heart Chakra to expand the love that you give.
The meaning behind the Chakra's in this book could give you a more in-depth understanding and insight of who you are and who you are to become; through the different techniques that's mentioned here within.
Welcome to the Iliad's and Memoirs of the Journey... I call Life.