150 Things You Need to Know Now That You're a Grownup

150 Things You Need to Know Now That You're a Grownup

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★★★★★ "Excellent book for graduates moving out on their own!" - Reader review

Congratulations! You're done with school and ready to enter the "Real World"...But now what?

If you're like most people, school did a great job of preparing you academically but failed to give you the practical advice you need to be a fully-fledged independent grownup.

In this book you will learn about things like:

  • When should you buy a house?
  • How much should you be putting away every month?
  • How do you make sure your boss appreciates you?
  • What is this 401(k) thing that everyone is talking about?
  • What are some tricks for feeling your best when you travel?
  • What do you do if your car breaks down?

This book answers these burning practical questions and many, many more.

Captured in these pages are 150 things that you absolutely need to know as a grownup.

Written in simple and easy-to-understand language, Shawn Cornelius eloquently captures the practical side of being a grown-up out on your own, in 150 conveniently digestible pieces.

Order your copy now and learn from a father and a business professional in this must-read for anyone starting out!

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