Heather Ralston spent seventeen years looking for a solution to overwhelming suffering before it presented itself suddenly amidst illness, isolation, financial turmoil, and overwhelming conflict.
She realized if she had not mistaken the journey to be a spiritual one, misunderstood the many transcendent teachings to be overly simplistic and out of touch, and attempted to attach deep insights to herself as achievement badges, the journey would have been rather short and direct. Where she had looked outside to bolster the sense of self, one could choose to take a path with much less suffering if pointed in the right direction and willing to accept these pointers. With the current state of things, it is high time humanity took the direct path.
"One Thing at a Time" does just that. A life's compilation of lessons learned, framed to work with the formidable mind capable of dodging the truth even when swimming in it, this work is for those who ask questions, doubt, and deflect. This truth requires no faith nor subscription, but the willingness to sit still with what is found inside and out, to see things as they really are.