In the summer of 1969 teenage twins, Myles and Rose Wallace, attempt to solve the murder of one of their closest friends. Late one night a savage murder occurs on the banks of the Missouri River. The twins investigate several potential suspects while navigating their last summer before entering high school. This summer was filled with the excitement of the Apollo 11 moon landing, the turmoil of the Vietnam conflict, and coming to terms with the reality of evil in their world.
One Small Step For Murder: A story of murder in St. Charles, MO 1969
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In the summer of 1969 teenage twins, Myles and Rose Wallace, attempt to solve the murder of one of their closest friends. Late one night a savage murder occurs on the banks of the Missouri River. The twins investigate several potential suspects while navigating their last summer before entering high school. This summer was filled with the excitement of the Apollo 11 moon landing, the turmoil of the Vietnam conflict, and coming to terms with the reality of evil in their world.