California is later devasted by an earthquake, causing a four month electrical blackout. The U.S. President is the former KKK Imperial Grand Dragon, and he blocks all Federal Aid to California. Retaliation against the people of California, for opposing him so fiercely during his campaign. This leads to a separatist movement. After a massacre on unarmed civilians by a rogue police group calling themselves the Vikings, the movement turns into regional Civil War. For California Independence and the creation of a sovereign nation, Califaztln.
California is later devasted by an earthquake, causing a four month electrical blackout. The U.S. President is the former KKK Imperial Grand Dragon, and he blocks all Federal Aid to California. Retaliation against the people of California, for opposing him so fiercely during his campaign. This leads to a separatist movement. After a massacre on unarmed civilians by a rogue police group calling themselves the Vikings, the movement turns into regional Civil War. For California Independence and the creation of a sovereign nation, Califaztln.