On Zach's return from two-year hiatus, Every High pupils set off -- ill-equipped with capacities to comprehend what ordeal awaits them -- as gypsies -- whom---once started in assumed utterity ---are unafraid to show what sort of little child(ren) they were when they were growing up---through gangsterism ---thus---lack decorum -- and excites peers in ways one could never hear again---irrespective of conjurations -- there'd be no sense for being difficult or contrarian ---but just like natives would not back down on behest of these snubbish Outlander's behest---they too---virtually led by same indistinguishably minded Z.H ---would not expect themselves to---for there to remain a fairly decent chance in keeping hold of domiciliary esteem ---and whether or not it is at opposition's expense -- matter little.
In time as school year progressed -- Kahunas---needlessly gratified for serious depravities -- though still never sensing any optimisms from many failures and subjugation---by natives - led by Zachary Headman, would---totally -- oblivious of offense already caused, constantly seek---in indescribable ways - to return to ways of rivalry if only for one last consolation - with even more confrontational events---
Perfection being measured by particular side's understandings in battles between U.P: Upper Personnel versus u.p: under privileged: what appears as proper situation turned out -- as consequences of trying to evade becoming reluctant victims to diminishing returns instituted by rivals -- whose mere existence in school, became cause for unrelenting diligence by either side---one could almost capture anguish alongside anxieties suffered in opposition's emotional situation in poignant attempts in every undertaking
At Every High, schooling becomes a perilous proposition for Santa Clara young natives---unable to let education be---when forsooth -- senses of security simmer, and brute strength of reality of endless influx of seemingly benign Outlanders --
threatens puissance,
When answers are hoped provided for questions - on ways to better relax constantly agitated situation in a hitherto calm atmosphere of one High school, more worse challenges---presented by these young purveyors of goddamned deeds, are circuitously presented---offering diverse other irritating exceptions to peace--- the very least young scholars could hope for -- is go gracefully by iffy solutions Zach---just another peer -- provided---regarding unresolved situation -- gracefully ---until his days at Every High ends -- and he must move on to greater things...