The manga series that inspired the card game that swept the globe! Tenth-grader Yugi always had his head in some game--until he solved the Millennium Puzzle, an Egyptian artifact containing the spirit of a master gambler from the age of the pharoahs! Possessed by the puzzle, Yugi becomes Yu-Gi-Oh, the King of Games, and challenges evildoers to the Shadow Games...weird games with high stakes and high risks! When Yugi beat his classmate Kaiba at a simple game of Duel Monsters, he didn't realize that Kaiba was Japan's number-one gamer, heir to the Kaiba Corporation and a vengeful madman! Now Yugi and his friends must survive Kaiba's "Death-T"! Standing between them and escape are the two Kaiba brothers, who have spent years and millions of dollars building the greatest Duel Monsters deck ever.
The manga series that inspired the card game that swept the globe! Tenth-grader Yugi always had his head in some game--until he solved the Millennium Puzzle, an Egyptian artifact containing the spirit of a master gambler from the age of the pharoahs! Possessed by the puzzle, Yugi becomes Yu-Gi-Oh, the King of Games, and challenges evildoers to the Shadow Games...weird games with high stakes and high risks! When Yugi beat his classmate Kaiba at a simple game of Duel Monsters, he didn't realize that Kaiba was Japan's number-one gamer, heir to the Kaiba Corporation and a vengeful madman! Now Yugi and his friends must survive Kaiba's "Death-T"! Standing between them and escape are the two Kaiba brothers, who have spent years and millions of dollars building the greatest Duel Monsters deck ever.