WARNING! THE SPELLS IN THIS BOOK ARE SO POWERFUL THEIR PRACTITIONERS WERE ONCE PUT TO DEATH! Here is Self Empowerment Through Wicca and White Magick This workbook and study guide is in effect a valuable interpretation of blessings, protections, hex-breaking rituals and ceremonies as practiced by the most ardent of Wiccans, alchemists, sages and occultists down through the centuries. Those known as "witches" and "white magicians" learned how to utilize the forces of nature and manipulate the four elements of earth, wind, fire and water. GUARANTEED! --THIS WORK CONTAINS MORE SPELLS THAN ANY OTHER WICCA-INSPIRED SPELL BOOK The following is but a small sample of the spells this work contains. . . SPELLS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST UNSEEN FORCES A child's protection prayer/spell -- Circle of Self-Protection -- Car security -- House blessing Ritual. -- Blessing pets/animals -- Protection from illness -- Send away evil -- Banish negative phone calls -- Uncrossing ritual -- Keep negativity out, avoid weakness and negative people -- To spot an enemy. SPELLS FOR LOVE AND ROMANCE Ritual to bring love in -- Become a love magnet -- Improve sensual vibrations - Employing lust of the Gods -- Runic spell for fidelity -- Increase/Improve love -- The Genie spell A HEALTHY LIFE EQUALS A BALANCED LIFE Gold Power to heal -- Backache prevention -- Beneficial nutrients -- To banish pain -- Metabolism - Immune system -- Elfin Necklace -- Moon healing -- Medicine bag healing -- Stone of healing -- Sleep spell -- Acorn spell DRAWING THE CORNUCOPIA OF LUCK INTO YOUR LIFE Showers of gold -- Irish luck - Winning horse races -- Gem of power -- Lucky bath -- Lucky numbers -- Elephant Energy -- Lucky Bowl -- Spirit of the Earth -- Lucky oils -- Bingo -- FLoor wash --Magick beans -- Luck in business -- Winning streak -- Luck in a new venture CREATING POSITIVE CASH FLOW TO ENHANCE YOUR PROSPERITY Cauldrons full of money -- Talisman for business and success -- Prosperous home -- Money growing ritual -- Money tree spell -- To sell property -- To get a job
WARNING! THE SPELLS IN THIS BOOK ARE SO POWERFUL THEIR PRACTITIONERS WERE ONCE PUT TO DEATH! Here is Self Empowerment Through Wicca and White Magick This workbook and study guide is in effect a valuable interpretation of blessings, protections, hex-breaking rituals and ceremonies as practiced by the most ardent of Wiccans, alchemists, sages and occultists down through the centuries. Those known as "witches" and "white magicians" learned how to utilize the forces of nature and manipulate the four elements of earth, wind, fire and water. GUARANTEED! --THIS WORK CONTAINS MORE SPELLS THAN ANY OTHER WICCA-INSPIRED SPELL BOOK The following is but a small sample of the spells this work contains. . . SPELLS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST UNSEEN FORCES A child's protection prayer/spell -- Circle of Self-Protection -- Car security -- House blessing Ritual. -- Blessing pets/animals -- Protection from illness -- Send away evil -- Banish negative phone calls -- Uncrossing ritual -- Keep negativity out, avoid weakness and negative people -- To spot an enemy. SPELLS FOR LOVE AND ROMANCE Ritual to bring love in -- Become a love magnet -- Improve sensual vibrations - Employing lust of the Gods -- Runic spell for fidelity -- Increase/Improve love -- The Genie spell A HEALTHY LIFE EQUALS A BALANCED LIFE Gold Power to heal -- Backache prevention -- Beneficial nutrients -- To banish pain -- Metabolism - Immune system -- Elfin Necklace -- Moon healing -- Medicine bag healing -- Stone of healing -- Sleep spell -- Acorn spell DRAWING THE CORNUCOPIA OF LUCK INTO YOUR LIFE Showers of gold -- Irish luck - Winning horse races -- Gem of power -- Lucky bath -- Lucky numbers -- Elephant Energy -- Lucky Bowl -- Spirit of the Earth -- Lucky oils -- Bingo -- FLoor wash --Magick beans -- Luck in business -- Winning streak -- Luck in a new venture CREATING POSITIVE CASH FLOW TO ENHANCE YOUR PROSPERITY Cauldrons full of money -- Talisman for business and success -- Prosperous home -- Money growing ritual -- Money tree spell -- To sell property -- To get a job