Yay! Yippee! My Mommy's Having a Baby!: A book for kids with a sibling on the way from a single mom

Yay! Yippee! My Mommy's Having a Baby!: A book for kids with a sibling on the way from a single mom

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In this book, children of single moms will get a better understanding of having a sibling on the way. Having a baby sibling is a true miracle and may not always be with a mom and dad. I want to inspire single mothers, so they can do this journey with their children on their own, and also help prepare their children for their little sibling on the way. I hope my awesome mothers and amazing big brothers and sisters enjoy reading this book together in preparation for a baby brother or sister on the way! I also hope it inspires big brothers and sisters to help Mommy out when their sibling, or siblings, arrives!

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