Writing Conversational Korean for Beginners

Writing Conversational Korean for Beginners

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What is Writing Conversational Korean For Beginners?

This book is designed to help beginner learners develop their Korean writing skills. The contents are organized around 24 different writing prompts, which aim to get you talking about topics that are related to your own life. Within each chapter, you can:

  • Practice your reading & comprehension skills by reading simple, yet natural Korean sentences
  • Practice reading Korean handwriting
  • Learn new vocabulary (in total, over 800 unique vocabulary words are included for your convenience)
  • See Korean sentences broken down into their vocabulary and grammar
  • Read Korean grammar explanations that show how a grammar form is used to create meaning & structure
  • See how grammar forms can be combined to create new meanings
  • Test your grammar knowledge & skills
  • Practice your sentence-building skills
  • Make sentences that are relevant to your life & experiences
  • Read natural conversations
  • Learn about Korean society & culture

What are the prompts?

  1. 무슨 일을 하세요? What do you do for work? / What's your job?
  2. 어떤 계절을 가장 좋아하세요? What's your favorite season?
  3. 취미가 뭐예요? What are your hobbies?
  4. 베이킹을 할 수 있어요? Can you bake?
  5. 무엇으로 하루를 시작해요? What do you do to start your day?
  6. 한국에 가 본 적이 있나요? Have you ever been to Korea?
  7. 여행하는 것을 좋아하세요? Do you like traveling?
  8. 보통 건강을 위해 뭘 하세요? What do you usually do for your health?
  9. 가장 싫어하는 집안일은 무엇인가요? What chore do you hate the most?
  10. 제일 좋아하는 명절은 뭐예요? What's your favorite holiday?
  11. 요리하는 것을 좋아하세요? Do you like to cook?
  12. 최근에 어떤 고민이 있어요? What are you worried about lately?
  13. 어떤 종류의 음악을 좋아하세요? What kind of music do you like?
  14. 보통 어떻게 운동을 하나요? How do you usually exercise?
  15. 병원에 입원한 적이 있어요? Have you ever been hospitalized?
  16. 이상형은 어떤 사람이에요? What kind of person is your ideal type?
  17. 어떤 것을 가르칠 수 있어요? What can you teach?
  18. 여름에 즐겨하는 것이 뭐예요? What do you enjoy doing in the summer?
  19. 영화를 보면 자주 울어요? Do you often cry when you watch movies?
  20. 파티에 가는 것을 좋아하세요? Do you like to go to parties?
  21. 개와 고양이 중에 어떤 동물을 좋아해요? Do you prefer dogs or cats?
  22. 싫어하는 음식은 뭐예요? What foods do you hate?
  23. 혼자서 살고 싶어요? Do you want to live alone?
  24. 아침형 인간이에요? 저녁형 인간이에요? Are you a morning person or a night owl?

What do I need in order to use this book?

This book is not designed for absolute beginners. In order to use this book most effectively learners will need knowledge of the Korean alphabet and some basic grammar structures. Use this book as a place to practice your existing beginner skills and develop more confidence in your sentence building abilities.

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