One day during his high school gym class, Matt Lindley must wrestle a new student named Ben Cameron. Matt holds his own in the hard-fought bout, then learns that Cameron is a star on the school wrestling team. Over a year later, during college, Matt is even more astonished to discover that Ben has become a Christian like himself. In the ensuing years of visits and letter-writing, Ben inspires Matthew's faith while upending his ideas about the Bible, church, and spiritual experience. Told with honesty, compassion, and humor, The Wrestler is the story of a young man's post-evangelical faith journey and the unlikely friendship that pushes him to grapple with God.
One day during his high school gym class, Matt Lindley must wrestle a new student named Ben Cameron. Matt holds his own in the hard-fought bout, then learns that Cameron is a star on the school wrestling team. Over a year later, during college, Matt is even more astonished to discover that Ben has become a Christian like himself. In the ensuing years of visits and letter-writing, Ben inspires Matthew's faith while upending his ideas about the Bible, church, and spiritual experience. Told with honesty, compassion, and humor, The Wrestler is the story of a young man's post-evangelical faith journey and the unlikely friendship that pushes him to grapple with God.