Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Workbooks for Kids - Special Education Collection-- This program includes 20 activities to boost the mind for students with spatial sequence issues. In this Dyslexia Workbooks for Kids series, Volume XXIV, students have look carefully at the top circle. They have to notice where each line or group of lines are drawn. And copy and reproduce the pattern from the top circle in the circle below. The activities are easy to understand, have an attractive design and students enjoy working with them.-- No matter how smart your child may be, he/she may have problems learning to read and write. Some are classified as dyslexics. Dyslexia is a disorder that affects 11% of the people. Still we do not know what causes dyslexia but there is a strong body of research pointing in the directions that it can be treated. It was centuries ago that Samuel Orton found out dyslexia can be cured given the right tools.-- We present in this Dyslexia Workbooks for Kids series, Volume XXIV, 20 worksheets that will help your child with problems with spatial sequence.Our collection contains 5 sections: VISUAL RECOGNITION (4 Books)-Trace Lines-Connecting Dots -Basic Shapes-DicesPATTERNS AND SPATIAL (9 Books)-Missing Parts I-Pattern Decoding-Basic Position Skills-Advanced Position: Left, Right, Up, Down -Space and Relative Position-Progressive Visual Memory-Visual Sequencing Memory-Missing Parts II-Find the MatchDISCRIMINATION (5 Books)-Reversals (Arrows)-Letter Sequential Memory-Reversals (Letters)-Miscellaneous Activities-GraphomotricityWRITING (42 Books)-D'Nealian Style Activities-Manuscript Style ActivitiesGAMES (7 Books)-Mazes-Calligrams-Tessellations-Spelling Mazes-Tangrams-Searching Words I-Searching Words IIVisit my Amazon page to find the books: https: //www.amazon.com/Diego-Uribe/e/B07JFLHW7C/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1543606676&sr=1-2-ent (Copy and Paste the url in your browse
Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Workbooks for Kids - Special Education Collection-- This program includes 20 activities to boost the mind for students with spatial sequence issues. In this Dyslexia Workbooks for Kids series, Volume XXIV, students have look carefully at the top circle. They have to notice where each line or group of lines are drawn. And copy and reproduce the pattern from the top circle in the circle below. The activities are easy to understand, have an attractive design and students enjoy working with them.-- No matter how smart your child may be, he/she may have problems learning to read and write. Some are classified as dyslexics. Dyslexia is a disorder that affects 11% of the people. Still we do not know what causes dyslexia but there is a strong body of research pointing in the directions that it can be treated. It was centuries ago that Samuel Orton found out dyslexia can be cured given the right tools.-- We present in this Dyslexia Workbooks for Kids series, Volume XXIV, 20 worksheets that will help your child with problems with spatial sequence.Our collection contains 5 sections: VISUAL RECOGNITION (4 Books)-Trace Lines-Connecting Dots -Basic Shapes-DicesPATTERNS AND SPATIAL (9 Books)-Missing Parts I-Pattern Decoding-Basic Position Skills-Advanced Position: Left, Right, Up, Down -Space and Relative Position-Progressive Visual Memory-Visual Sequencing Memory-Missing Parts II-Find the MatchDISCRIMINATION (5 Books)-Reversals (Arrows)-Letter Sequential Memory-Reversals (Letters)-Miscellaneous Activities-GraphomotricityWRITING (42 Books)-D'Nealian Style Activities-Manuscript Style ActivitiesGAMES (7 Books)-Mazes-Calligrams-Tessellations-Spelling Mazes-Tangrams-Searching Words I-Searching Words IIVisit my Amazon page to find the books: https: //www.amazon.com/Diego-Uribe/e/B07JFLHW7C/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1543606676&sr=1-2-ent (Copy and Paste the url in your browse