Woman's Weekly (Digital)

Woman's Weekly (Digital)

1 Issue, 15-Mar-2022

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Full of Irish PROMISE

When Lucy looked into those green eyes, she just knew it was her lucky day
Full of Irish PROMISE
Cold licked at her face and Lucy pulled her scarf tighter. It was one of those days when, despite the sun beaming its brilliance, her breath rose in white puffs. Unusual for March, really. She grinned watching Mo, her floppy-eared spaniel, frolicking through the ice-tipped grass. At least she was out of the house and getting some fresh air. She’d been feeling stressed from job-hunting and needed to let off some steam. Redundancy sucked. Seeing another dog-walker, she raised a hand in greeting. ‘Lá fhéile Pádraig sona duit,’ he called. ‘Or Happy St Patrick’s Day to you!’ ‘I can’t repeat what you just said,’ Lucy smiled. ‘But Happy St Patrick’s Day to you too.’ Truth be told, she hadn’t even realised it was St Patrick’s Day. ‘I had to practise…
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Woman's Weekly (Digital) - 1 Issue, 15-Mar-2022

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