In this sensitive work, Ingo Swann once more opens up the continuing story of the fuller extent of human consciousness, which, by many accounts, is amazing and intriguing.
These accounts are found in all cultures ranging from ancient to contemporary, and the sum of them more than suggests that humans plus their innate consciousness are designed for a much richer and astonishing existence than what most societal programs encourage or permit.
The nexus, or connected group, of the discussions in this book turns on only two interactive questions:
Is human consciousness designed for self-destruction?
Is it designed to continuously sustain its own pro-survival into futurity?
There are many categories within human consciousness that work to sustain pro-survival. But all of them can be affiliated with one central heading: WISDOM, without which our species could not have survived anything, even itself.

In this sensitive work, Ingo Swann once more opens up the continuing story of the fuller extent of human consciousness, which, by many accounts, is amazing and intriguing.
These accounts are found in all cultures ranging from ancient to contemporary, and the sum of them more than suggests that humans plus their innate consciousness are designed for a much richer and astonishing existence than what most societal programs encourage or permit.
The nexus, or connected group, of the discussions in this book turns on only two interactive questions:
Is human consciousness designed for self-destruction?
Is it designed to continuously sustain its own pro-survival into futurity?
There are many categories within human consciousness that work to sustain pro-survival. But all of them can be affiliated with one central heading: WISDOM, without which our species could not have survived anything, even itself.