Wisdom by Lester III Freedom Technique III Transformation

Wisdom by Lester III Freedom Technique III Transformation

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The Transformation Process is a simple and powerful method that transforms the entire negative subconscious past into Love - a Supreme Releasing process that brings Love and Freedom.Unfortunately, Lester has nothing to do with "Transformation" or Releasing Technique. With positive energy level of about 10%, Lester was far from being free. Because of such low positive energy level, Lester was not able to teach the transformation of subconscious negativity into Love, which is superior to Releasing technique. With their negative energy both Yogananda and Lester did more damage to students than good.The Code of Love advises it was another person, not Lester, who discovered the Releasing Technique. Lester took the credit and let the person go, which triggered protests followed by litigation. Today, some of Lester's students made themselves teachers; ask The Code of Love what their positive energy level is. For the overwhelming majority of people in the spiritual industry, it is not the Truth, but money is driving force."Yuri, you have captured the essence. What I read is a beautiful testimony to the power of Love. I think for each of us, the path is the same, yet different. But people like you are beacons who, simply by example, embody the potential of living life from another higher perspective. In the language of the Course of Miracles, you are a "miracle-worker." "Miracles" are their word for changes in perception - the path from fear to love. It could be a world-changing message, yet it needs people like you - who already live its principles - to help spread the message of the transformational power of Love." Jim Nowak
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