- Foster a love of books and reading at a young age with this fun board book.
- Eye-catching art and fun animal illustrations will make this a perfect read-aloud book to share with baby. For fans of Look!, Love You, Hug You, Read To You, and Bunny's Book Club, this touchable, delightful board book is sure to delight and excite children ages 0-3. - Seek-and-find, lift-the-flap board books for babies
- Best books for kids ages 0-3
- Great baby shower gift for book-loving new parents Lizi Boyd is the author and illustrator of more than 30 books for children, including Inside Outside, which received four starred reviews, Flashlight, which won the prestigious Bologna Ragazzi Award, Big Bear, Little Chair, which was a New York Times Notable Book, and the recently published Night Play. She lives in Norwich, Vermont.
- Foster a love of books and reading at a young age with this fun board book.
- Eye-catching art and fun animal illustrations will make this a perfect read-aloud book to share with baby. For fans of Look!, Love You, Hug You, Read To You, and Bunny's Book Club, this touchable, delightful board book is sure to delight and excite children ages 0-3. - Seek-and-find, lift-the-flap board books for babies
- Best books for kids ages 0-3
- Great baby shower gift for book-loving new parents Lizi Boyd is the author and illustrator of more than 30 books for children, including Inside Outside, which received four starred reviews, Flashlight, which won the prestigious Bologna Ragazzi Award, Big Bear, Little Chair, which was a New York Times Notable Book, and the recently published Night Play. She lives in Norwich, Vermont.
Board Book