Uncovering the path to postmodern wellbeing for women, as told by Kristen Rud. The journey begins with the birth of Woman. It's essential to first examine the stories we've retold and the rituals we practice as a culture, that are responsible for keeping women feeling unwell. This involves taking a deeper look at the hidden herstory. With this awareness shift the power back to you by rewriting your narrative and unraveling the mistruth that you've absorbed during the Rites of Passage in your life. Finally, learn to experience the magic in the mundane by integrating your feminine need for kinship with the cycles and rhythms of the earth, moon and sun.
Uncovering the path to postmodern wellbeing for women, as told by Kristen Rud. The journey begins with the birth of Woman. It's essential to first examine the stories we've retold and the rituals we practice as a culture, that are responsible for keeping women feeling unwell. This involves taking a deeper look at the hidden herstory. With this awareness shift the power back to you by rewriting your narrative and unraveling the mistruth that you've absorbed during the Rites of Passage in your life. Finally, learn to experience the magic in the mundane by integrating your feminine need for kinship with the cycles and rhythms of the earth, moon and sun.