What Hi-Fi? (Digital)

What Hi-Fi? (Digital)

1 Issue, March 2021

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View offers whf.cm/BBHeadphones In-ears up to £200 SoundMagic E11C £50 Best in-ear headphones under £50, Awards 2020 The latest version of Soundmagic’s budget in-ears continues to impress with a full-bodied, energetic and informative sound. In-line controls Yes Cable length 1.2m Beyerdynamic Soul Byrd £69 April 2019 You’ll struggle to find a better pair of in-ear headphones costing less than £70 than these Beyerdynamics. In-line controls Yes Cable length 1.2m Sennheiser Momentum M2 IEi £70 Best in-ears £50-£100, Awards 2017 You wouldn’t think anything so small could sound quite so good – not for just £70. But they are wonderfully smooth, expressive and balanced. In-line controls Yes Cable length 1.3m Klipsch T5M Wired £70 Best in-ear headphones £50-£100, Awards 2020 Not only do they have some of the most comfortable tips around, but these T5M Wireds also show a maturity that’s rare at this price. In-line controls Yes…
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What Hi-Fi? (Digital) - 1 Issue, March 2021

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