Way of the Lamb: Lamb of God Series Novel One

Way of the Lamb: Lamb of God Series Novel One

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Step Back In Time

Meet Yeshua the Messiah, and take an imaginative journey with him.

Follow him along rocky paths through the wilds of Judea, sail with him on the Sea of Galilee, meet his family, neighbors, closest allies, and fiercest enemies, go with him on awe-inspiring missions, let your ears be opened to his teachings, experience the yearly festivals of Jerusalem through his eyes, become one of his inquisitive disciples free to ponder his words and ask your hard questions. Along the way, bow with him in prayer, learn of his challenges and struggles, his hopes and dreams, and his dependency on his Father in Heaven, his determination. Bow before him in worship as God incarnate, let his kingdom viewpoint change your perspectives, join forces with him.

Gain Insight Into The Mysteries

of the Lamb of God, the Prophet, the Messiah, and the Bridegroom. Experience Yeshua as both Son of God and the Son of Man, the Alpha and the Omega, and the Word of God, who was ordained and anointed to fulfill all of the Law, the foreshadowing in the narratives, the words foretold by the prophets, and the pronouncements of the angels.

Understand The Stakes Of Yeshua's Life

Experience his healings and miracles from new perspectives. Gain a deeper understanding of 'the game of thrones' that was operative during the first century Greco-Roman culture. Who pulled the puppet strings of power? Was it the Romans, the Herods, the Hasmoneans, the Sanhedrin, or the Evil One? Or was there someone else governing his times?

This first novel begins an eye opening and reflective journey. What does it means to love God with all your heart, soul and strength. to have faith, and to travel the way of the Lamb? You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

Come and see.

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