The Wanted

The Wanted

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Looking back, they called those turbulent times simply: The Troubles. A period of chaotic upheaval and destruction that sent the Republic reeling through successive crises, each growing more desperate as the galaxy spun out of control.

The Troubles. A quaint name for a horrific period in the galaxy's history. A period whose atrocities were superseded only by the terror of the Savage Wars that had come before. Almost no corner of the galaxy was spared a taste of terrible war, cutthroat intrigue... and remorseless death.

In the aftermath, this battered galaxy now longs for peace and stability. The Republic, now reformed, seeks to govern by rule of law. But no matter how sincere the reform, how earnest and well-meaning the ruler, some worlds refuse to place their destiny in the hands of others. Ever again.

Because some things never change. Power summons would-be tyrants eager to seize it. Ancient vendettas cry out to be settled. Corruption worms its way through the souls of men too weak to resist it, or too wicked to try. And dead-eyed killers gather in all the usual star ports, awaiting the opportunity to do what they do best for the promise of a quick credit.

Through it all, the silent Legion waits for its cue to once more tread upon the stage and break their enemies through nothing more, and nothing less, than total violence of action capably applied. As though this time... things will be different.

Out on the edge, they say...

Everyone's got a plan, until the Legion shows up.

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