The word reminds us that as we walk upright before God, that no good thing will be withheld from us. (Ps 84:11) He orders the steps and the stops of a righteous man. (Ps.37:23) If we are willing and obedient, we will eat the best of the land. (Isaiah 1:19). There are so many promises in the word of God concerning all mankind. God sent His Son Jesus to die for the world, and that includes you. (John 3:16,17). I pray that as you read this book, your heart will be receptive and sensitive to God as He touches your heart. He loves you with a love that is everlasting. There is no greater love. (John 15:13) Yes. Jesus did that for you and me! This whole matter of maturing and growing up in Christ is crucial to us fulfilling our purpose in the earth. Let us begin to move forward in Him and His plans for our lives as we determine to Walk In His Righteousness. (His Way Of Doing and Thinking)
With much love and peace
Tanya Y. Boone