'And soon after came to them an horrible fish, which followed the ship long time, casting so much water out of his mouth into the ship, that they supposed to have been drowned...' Saint Brendan sets off from Ireland with fourteen companions, and sees many strange sights in 'the great sea ocean, that compasseth all the world about'. The Langley Press edition is a modern-spelling version of William Caxton's translation of Brendan's story, taken from 'The Golden Legend', one of the most popular books of the Middle Ages. With introduction and bibliography.
'And soon after came to them an horrible fish, which followed the ship long time, casting so much water out of his mouth into the ship, that they supposed to have been drowned...' Saint Brendan sets off from Ireland with fourteen companions, and sees many strange sights in 'the great sea ocean, that compasseth all the world about'. The Langley Press edition is a modern-spelling version of William Caxton's translation of Brendan's story, taken from 'The Golden Legend', one of the most popular books of the Middle Ages. With introduction and bibliography.