The book that you are now reading is the result of many years of experience and research in field of discus fish care. The Utmost Guide to Discus Fish Care caters to both beginners and experts, and excludes no aquarist.
The book is split into two parts. The first part of the book deals with preliminary considerations of buying and taking care of discus fish. For a precise description and history of this fish species, you may read the section "Meet the Pompadour Fish". For specific information on the geographical roots and the different strains of the discus fish, turn to the section "Getting to Know the Discus".
To avoid any confusion over what kind of tropical fish the discus is, I've prepared a special section for first time aquarists who may want to take care of discus fish, but are afraid to do so because of the common misconception that discus fish are too hard to take care of; read the section "Demystifying Discus Care" for more information.
The second part of the book provides in-depth information, tips, and essential guidelines for discus fish care. For more information on water temperature requirements, read the section "Understanding Temperature Requirements". For first time aquarists who are unaware of ammonia and its impact on tank water, read the section "The Nitrogen Conundrum". Additional information on the discus' diet and common diseases that affect this species can be found in the sections "Discus Fish Nutritional Guidelines" and "Dealing With Diseases".