In the distant future, humans live in a utopia where even death is not the end-for everyone except Amber's parents. At 25, she is a cynical, aloof Ph.D. in history who resents her sheltered life at home and yearns to find her place in the world. Then, an exciting job offer comes her way-the chance to uncover the mystery of a civilization that disappeared thousands of years ago. Teaming up with the archeologist Lullaby, Amber embarks on a hitchhiking quest to find the fabled Aquamarine Moon and, perhaps, some much-needed meaning in her life.
Mattie Bukowski [he/him] is a writer, video essayist, and a PhD student of evolutionary biology. He is a queer, disabled trans man with a lifelong passion for science fiction. When not at the keyboard, he can play board games or participate in TTRPG sessions. Up The Entropic Hill is his debut novel.